- How's my dude?!
- Much better. Thanks. I was about to lose it, man!
- I totally understand. You know, you really shouldn't give yourself this much credit. And by the way since when do you care about what others think of you? I mean give me the worst case scenario. What's gonna happen? Let me put it this way; let's say they're gonna think you are a fu[beep]ing freak and they decide to cut you out; what's gonna happen to you? You'll be alone. Well, aren't you already?
- Yeah. You are absolutely right. I don't know what got into me...
- As I told you, you sometimes give yourself too much credit.
- Anyhow, I'm really better now. Thanks, dude.
- Anytime. Just don't forget; we don't care about what others think of us, ok?
- Ok.
- Buenas noches.
- You too.
خوبی؟امروز به وبلاگای قدیمی سر زدم بیشترشون پاک شدن یا غیر فعالن.خوشحالم که بین بچه های قدیمی تو هنوزم می نویسی.هر چند فقط به انگلیسی.
ایمیلتم انگار عوض کردی.
خوبم. تو خوبی؟ من هیچ خبری از قدیم ندارم. کاش آدرس بلاگت رو می دادی سری بهت می زدم.
میل اگر می خوای بزنی به همین صندوق بلاگ بزن لطفا.
خیلی چیزها از قدیم عوض شدن. یکیش هم ایمیل من...
خوشحالم کردی. باز هم خوشحالم کن.
buenas noches???
Why the question marks???? s