- Leave me alone...
- You ARE alone!
- Who the f[beep] are you then?
- I'm Dude.
- Be!
- You too!
- I said leave me alone!
- OK.
[a divine voice] - OK.
- Who was it at the door?
- A dead cat.
- What did it want?
- Some dead meat.
- What did you do?
- I gave it a piece of myself.
- Did it take it?
- No. Apparently cats don't eat frozen food.
[a divine voice] - Frozen food is not healthy.
- We decided to take things slowly.
- You decided or she decided?
- She suggested, I agreed.
- Yeah, cuz if you disagreed, she'd walk!
- What do you mean "she'd walk!"?!
- I mean she'd leave you.
- I know what you mean!!
- Why did you ask, then?
- You know what, let's not talk about it.
- I'm not talking.You are talking.
- What are you doing?
- I'm listening.
- Then who the hell is writing?!
- I don't know...
- [shouting] Who is this?!!! Stop writing?!!
[a divine voice] Oops!